Working in Canada: How to Get a Canadian Work Permit and Visa

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20 Min Read

If you want to work in Canada, you’ll need to go through a process to get the necessary work permit and visa. Here’s a simplified overview of the steps involved in working in Canada.

What is Canada Work Permit ?

Think of a work permit as your golden ticket to work in Canada, even if you’re not a Canadian citizen. It’s like the country’s way of saying, “Hey, you can come here and do a job legally.” And they’re pretty generous with these permits, giving out approximately 500,000 of them every year to people from different parts of the world.

Well, it’s like a job treasure chest. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for you. Plus, here’s the cool part: working in Canada can be your stepping stone if you dream of becoming a permanent resident someday. It’s like Canada saying, “You like it here? We’d love to have you stick around!”

So, in simple terms, a work permit is your “work here” pass in Canada, and Canada is like the land of job opportunities where your dreams of working and living here can come true.

Who Can Work in Canada?

In Canada, many people from other countries need a special permit to work here, but there are some exceptions.

Normally, to get a work permit, most folks need a job offer from a Canadian employer, and that job offer needs to be supported by something called a “Labour Market Impact Assessment” or LMIA.

It’s like a way for Canada to check that there aren’t Canadians available to do the job. However, there are situations where you don’t need an LMIA or a job offer.

For example, if you recently graduated from a Canadian Designated Learning Institute (DLI), or if you’re the spouse of someone who’s already on a Canadian work or study permit, you can apply for a work permit.

But there are a few more boxes to tick. To get a work permit, you have to show that you don’t plan to stick around forever – you intend to leave when your work permission ends.

You also need to prove you have enough money to take care of yourself and your family while you’re in Canada and to get back home. Plus, you can’t have a criminal or medical history that makes you unfit for Canada.

Your plan should be to work for an eligible employer, and you have to be able to provide all the documents they ask for to show that you’re allowed to come to Canada.

In a nutshell, most folks need a special permission slip to work in Canada, and it usually involves a job offer with an LMIA.

However, there are exceptions, like if you recently graduated in Canada or if you’re a spouse of someone already here.

But no matter what, you need to show you’ll leave when your work permit expires, have enough money, pass background checks, and work for the right employer, while being able to prove you’re eligible to enter Canada.

What are the Types of Canada Work Permits?

Getting a work permit in Canada comes in different flavors, and the requirements can vary. Some work permits need you to have a job offer from a Canadian employer.

For others, the employer has to go through something called a “Labour Market Impact Assessment” or LMIA, which basically checks if there are no Canadians available for the job. And then there are cases where you need to have some sort of connection to Canada, like past education or sponsorship from a spouse who’s already in Canada.

Here are the main types of Canadian work permits:

1. Requiring an LMIA:

This means you need that labor market assessment, and it includes:

Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)
• Facilitated LMIA (Quebec)
• Global Talent Stream

2. LMIA-Exempt but Need a Job Offer:

You don’t need an LMIA, but you do need a job offer or employment contract. This includes categories like:

• International Mobility Program (IMP)
• NAFTA Work Permits
• CETA Work Permits
• Intra-Company Transfers

3. Open Work Permits:

These are like the most flexible ones. You don’t need a job offer or an LMIA. Some examples are:

• Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP)
• Spousal Sponsorship from Inside Canada
• International Experience Canada (IEC) for working holidays
• Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP)
• Spouse Accompanying International Student or Worker

And here’s a neat tip:

If you’re a Canadian permanent resident, you don’t need a work permit to work in Canada. Being a permanent resident means you have the green light to live and work anywhere in the country.

So, whether it’s a job offer, an LMIA, or your unique connection to Canada, there’s a Canadian work permit for you. And remember, if you’re a permanent resident, you’re good to go without a separate work permit.

How to Get a Work Permit In Canada

Getting a work permit in Canada can be a bit of a maze because it depends on the type you’re after. For example, international students studying in Canada often can work part-time alongside their studies without needing a separate work permit.

But if you’re looking at most work permits, especially those tied to a specific job, you usually need a job offer from a Canadian employer supported by something called a “Labour Market Impact Assessment” or LMIA. Even if you don’t need an LMIA or a work permit, you still need specific documents to enter Canada.

There are two main types of Canadian work permits: closed and open.

Closed work permits are like a package deal with your job and employer. You have to stick with the same job and employer unless you change your work permit.

So, it’s a bit like a puzzle, figuring out which work permit is right for you, but it all depends on your situation.

Am I eligible to apply for a work permit If I have a Canadian job offer?

Just having a job offer in Canada doesn’t automatically make you eligible for a work permit. The job offer has to meet specific rules to be valid for certain work permit applications. In most cases, for your work permit to be eligible, your job offer must either:

1.  Have a positive Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) supporting it.
2.  Be exempt from needing an LMIA.

It’s important to know that the province of Quebec has its own way of deciding if a job offer is valid. So, it’s not just any job offer that can get you a work permit.

Here is What you are allowed to do on a Canadian Work Permit

Your Canadian work permit tells you exactly what you can and can’t do while working in Canada. These rules depend on the type of work permit you have. They might specify the type of job, where you can work, who you can work for, and how long you can work in Canada.

Now, here’s an important rule:

no matter what, if there’s a suspicion that some workers might be at risk of sexual exploitation at a workplace, work permit holders can’t work there.

Remember, having a work permit doesn’t make you a permanent resident of Canada. You have to leave the country when your authorized work period ends. But if you’re working in Canada and dreaming of staying for good, you can explore your options by completing a free assessment form to see what immigration choices you might have.

Can my family come with me if I get a work permit in Canada? Yes, if you’re applying for a work permit with support from your employer, there’s a chance your spouse and dependent children can join you.

If you have school-age children and they’re in Canada, they can go to Canadian schools without needing a separate study permit. Your spouse or partner might also be able to get an open work permit, which means they can work for any employer in Canada.

Now, you might wonder, how much does a Canadian work permit cost?

Well, for a closed work permit, it’s $155 CAD per person, and for an open work permit, it’s $255 per person. But if you’re restoring a work permit or applying as a group of performing artists, there might be extra fees.

The application process depends on the type of work permit you need. The first step is figuring out which one suits your situation. If you’re feeling a bit lost in the application process, you can always get in touch with us, and our team will be happy to help you set up a consultation.

What are the Required Documents to Apply for Canadian Work Permit?

To apply for a Canadian work permit, you’ll need specific documents depending on the type of permit you’re after. Here’s a list of the documents that might be needed for your work permit application:

•   Completed application forms
•   Proof of your current status in Canada (if you have one)
•   Proof of your family members’ status in Canada (if they’re included)
•   Labor Market Impact Assessment (if it’s required)
•   A written job offer (if applicable)
•   Your CV or résumé
•   Marriage certificate (if you’re married)
•   Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) if you’re applying in Quebec
•   Evidence that you meet the job requirements
•   A valid copy of your passport
•   Copies of your education credentials
•   Results of a medical exam (if requested)
•   Proof that you have enough money to stay in Canada and go back home
•   Evidence of payment for any government fees
•   Recent passport-sized photos

These are the typical documents you might need, but remember, the specific requirements can vary depending on the type of work permit you’re applying for.

Biometrics for Canadian work permits

If you’re applying for a Canadian work permit from within Canada, there’s a temporary rule that says you don’t have to give your biometrics right now. But if you’re outside of Canada, you’ll still need to do the biometrics part, and you’ll get a letter telling you how to do it.

You can find all the details on how to give your biometrics on the Canadian government’s special page for that.

Providing police clearance certificates

Getting a work permit for Canada can involve a few extra steps, and one of those might be providing police clearance certificates. The need for these certificates depends on where you’re applying from, and in some cases, you might need to include them right from the start.

Preparing your medical exam

Now, when you’re applying for a Canadian work permit, there’s a chance you might need a medical exam. The need for this exam depends on how long you plan to stay in Canada, where you’ve lived, and what job you’ll be doing.

If you’re here for less than 6 months, you usually don’t need it, except for certain cases, like if your job puts you in close contact with people or if you’ve been to certain countries. But if you’re planning to work in Canada for more than 6 months, you’ll likely need a medical exam under certain conditions.

You can find an approved doctor for your medical exam on the IRCC’s Find a Panel Physician webpage.

Now, there’s an option to get your medical exam done upfront. That means you contact the approved doctor yourself and get the exam done before sending in your work permit application.

If you don’t provide your medical exam results with your application, the IRCC officer will give you instructions on how to get it done and a deadline to follow.

Getting your Passport-sized photo Ready

When it comes to applying for a Canadian work permit, you’ll also need a passport-sized photo. Make sure it matches IRCC’s specifications.

But how long will it take for your work permit application to process? Well, that can vary. It depends on the type of permit you’re after and where you’re applying from. It might take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Now, about LMIA applications, there are two types: Regular and simplified.

The regular one is processed case by case, and it can take at least five months to get a response. But if an employer qualifies for Canada’s Global Talent Stream, they might get expedited processing. The simplified LMIA for Quebec usually takes about two to three months.

As for the success rate of work permit and LMIA applications, it’s not easy to give a specific rate because each application is looked at individually. If you meet the requirements, your application should get approved. But it’s up to individual officers to decide.

If your work permit application gets refused, it can be tough. There could be various reasons for this, like the officer not being convinced you can do the job well, not believing you’ll go back home when your stay ends, or not meeting the criteria for the work permit you applied for.

If you’re not sure why your application was rejected, you can ask for GCMS notes to get a better idea. That might help if you decide to reapply.

If you’re applying for a closed Canadian work permit, your spouse might be eligible for an open work permit. They’ll need to apply for it themselves, usually online.

When it comes to activating your work permit, how you do it depends on where you’re applying from and how you’re applying. If you applied from within Canada and your application is approved, you’ll get an approval letter.

If it was an online application, you’ll find the letter in your online account. If you submitted a paper application, the letter will come to your mailing address. Once you have that approval letter, your physical work permit will come by mail, and it’ll already be activated, so you can start working in Canada.

But if you applied from outside of Canada and your application is approved, you’ll get a letter with instructions on how to pick up your physical work permit at a Canadian entry point. The instructions will be in your online account if you applied online, or you’ll get the letter by mail if you submitted a paper application.

Some applicants might even be able to apply for a work permit right at the Canadian border. If you’re one of them, you’ll need to show documents that prove you’re eligible. If you get the green light from the officer, they might print your work permit right there, and you can start working immediately.

Now, finding a job in Canada can be a challenge, but there are resources to help you. Before sending out job applications, it’s a good idea to prepare your resume and make sure your social media presence is looking professional.

For certain jobs in Canada, you might need to know something called a National Occupation Classification Code (NOC Code). This code helps classify jobs in Canada by their type. There’s a tool available to help you find your NOC Code.

Working in Canada has some great perks. Canadian labor laws make sure workplaces are safe, and employers have to follow rules to protect employees. Canadian wages are competitive, and foreign workers are legally entitled to wages similar to their Canadian counterparts.

Another cool thing is that some Canadian work permits allow the spouses and children of workers to come to Canada too.

And if you’re thinking about eventually immigrating to Canada, having Canadian work experience can boost your eligibility for various Canadian permanent residency programs, like Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs, Quebec Immigration Programs, and the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program. So,

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