Nursing Jobs in Canada

Wiki Guide
6 Min Read

A Nursing Science Bachelor’s Degree can open up exciting travel opportunities. Nurses have always explored different parts of the world. In recent years, countries like Australia, the UAE, and the UK have become popular among international nurses. However, as we step into the 2020s, being a nurse in Canada has become increasingly appealing.

When I became a nurse in 2013, I never thought about finding nursing jobs in Canada because I knew getting my license would require taking an exam. So, like many other Irish people, I chose to work in Australia. After a year there, I realized the distance from home was too much, and I returned to Ireland.

Skipping ahead to 2020, and here I am living in Toronto, in the midst of getting my nursing license. It has felt like a long journey at times, but I’m happy that I persevered, and I’m about to kick off my nursing career in Canada.

Thanks to a pretty strong healthcare system, Canada is an appealing place for international candidates looking to advance their nursing career. The most sought-after nurses are those with specialized skills in emergency departments or operating rooms, as well as those interested in working in remote or isolated indigenous communities.

However, there are some important things job seekers should know to land nursing jobs in Canada. Firstly, your international credentials need evaluation, and you’ll have to get licensed to practice in Canada—more details below. Secondly, the procedures vary from one province or territory to another. So, it’s essential to have a destination or two in mind as you do your research.

Looking for Nursing Jobs in Canada

You’ve earned nursing qualifications from another coun

Becoming a Nurse in Canada

To become a nurse in Canada, you need to go through the National Nursing Assessment Service (NNAS), which is the first step in obtaining your license. You can register with this online service even before arriving in Canada.

The registration process with NNAS includes filling out an online form where you provide your personal information, education details, professional experience from the past five years, and disclose all the nursing bodies you are currently or were previously registered with.

If you were educated abroad and are seeking nursing positions in Canada (excluding Quebec and the Territories), particularly as a Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), or Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN), you must apply to NNAS.

However, registration comes with a cost, and you’ll need to pay a $765 USD fee to register with NNAS (as of 2020). The process involves submitting notary-signed copies of your identification documents (passport, birth certificate) and having individuals from your college, previous employment, and nursing bodies you are registered with complete the provided forms. Video tutorials on completing these forms are available on the website, and you have one year from the registration date to submit all documents.

Approval from NNAS may take up to a year, but once granted, you’ll be eligible to apply for licensure in your chosen province in Canada. NNAS assesses your credentials against Canadian standards, and you can refer to their online handbook for more information.

In addition to NNAS, each Canadian province requires you to take an English (or French, for Quebec) exam if you cannot prove language fluency. The NCLEX exam is commonly used to assess your English language skills.

try, but how can you use this training and experience to build a satisfying nursing career in Canada? Let’s explore!

What you should know about the NCLEX

To practice nursing in most provinces and territories, you’ll need strong English-language skills, and in Quebec, knowledge of French is often required. The registration process involves completing an exam, known as the NCLEX-RN exam outside Quebec, provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).

The purpose of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is to ensure that you are safe to start working as a nurse. For foreign nurses seeking jobs in Canada, passing this exam is essential. It is a computerized, mostly multiple-choice test, and there are various online tutoring options available, such as UWorld. If you don’t pass on your first attempt, you can retake the exam, and once passed, the NCLEX is valid across North America.

It’s advisable to complete as much of the application and registration process from your home country as possible. Obtaining documents related to your international credentials is generally easier from your home country, avoiding issues with time differences and international calling rates.

To learn more, contact the relevant regulatory body for your province or territory, such as:

  • College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia
  • College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
  • Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association
  • College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba
  • College of Nurses of Ontario
  • Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec
  • Nurses Association of New Brunswick
  • College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia
  • Association of Registered Nurses of Prince Edward Island
  • College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Registered Nurses Association of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
  • Yukon Registered Nurses Association

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