Meet The Oldest 10 Tribes in Nigeria in 2023

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Diverse Nigerian Ethnicities: A Glimpse into Rich Histories

1. Igbo

The Igbo people stand as one of Nigeria’s largest ethnic groups, residing primarily in the southeastern states, including Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo. Archaeological findings suggest that the Igbo have inhabited these regions near the Niger River for approximately 4,000 years, making them among the first settlers in the area.

It’s believed that the Igbo migrated from regions near the Mediterranean and settled within West Africa’s rainforests around 2000 BC. The establishment of organized Igbo kingdoms, like the Nri Kingdom near the Anambra River in the 9th century AD, marked a significant early development. Igbo society revolves around hierarchical age grades, titled positions, religion, festivals, and cultural practices. The Igbo language is one of the prominent indigenous languages spoken in southern Nigeria.

2. Yoruba

The Yoruba people are among the largest and most influential ethnic groups in West Africa, primarily located in southwest Nigeria and extending into parts of Benin and Togo. Historical findings trace Yoruba roots in Nigeria back to at least the 4th century BC, ranking them among the oldest settlers in the region.

Yoruba oral tradition holds Oduduwa as the common ancestor of the first Yoruba communities. The powerful Oyo Empire dominated southwest Nigeria from the 14th to the 18th centuries. The transatlantic slave trade led to the dispersion of many Yoruba to various parts of the Americas.

Today, the Yoruba population exceeds 40 million across Nigeria, Benin, and Togo, with a significant presence in the southwest geopolitical zones. Ile-Ife and Oyo-Ile are considered cradles of Yoruba civilization. The Yoruba language ranks among Nigeria’s top three major languages. Their cultural influence extends to academia, business, politics, and various professions both nationally and internationally.

3. Hausa

The Hausa identity began to emerge as early as 1000 AD across northern Nigeria, Niger, Sokoto, and Cameroon. According to Hausa folklore, their origins trace back to Bayajidda, a foundational figure from Baghdad. Interactions with Berber, Songhai, Fulani, and Kanuri peoples have significantly shaped early Hausa society.

Between the 12th and 15th centuries, Hausa Sahel city-states like Kano, Katsina, and Zazzau (Zaria) thrived due to trans-Saharan trade and the spread of Islam. Well-known figures such as Queen Amina were instrumental in leading military conquests and expanding their kingdoms. While the Hausa states later came under the Fulani Sokoto Caliphate, the Hausa people remain the largest ethnic group in northern Nigeria.

Over time, the Hausa developed their own distinct identity and language separate from the ruling Fulani elite. Today, Hausa dialects are widely spoken across West African countries with substantial populations of northern Nigerian immigrants. Traditional life, architecture, and culture persist among Muslim Hausa communities.

4. Kanuri

Kanuri people belong to one of the oldest kingdoms and ethnic populations centered around Borno State in northeastern Nigeria. The origins of Kanem-Borno date back to the 7th century AD, encompassing territories beyond Lake Chad, including parts of Niger, Libya, and Cameroon.

The Kanem empire was renowned for its cavalry soldiers and engaged in cultural and commercial exchanges with North African, Nubian, Berber, and Arabic peoples. At its zenith in the 1200s, Kanem-Borno was considered one of the largest African empires prior to European colonization.

While the empire experienced periods of decline and reform, the Kanuri people have retained their customs and ancestral heritage. Alongside the Hausa and Fulani, they constitute one of the major ethnic groups in the northern regions. Traditional practices, village life, and adherence to Islam continue to be central to Kanuri culture.

5. Edo

The ancient Benin Kingdom once encompassed much of present-day southwestern Nigeria during the 13th to 19th centuries, with the Edo people serving as its primary inhabitants. The kingdom had a rich and complex political history, featuring notable achievements like bronze casting and intricate metalwork around the 14th century, sparking a cultural renaissance.

Bronze, terracotta, ivory, and bronze sculptures of royal nobility, rituals, spiritual beings, and more were created during this Golden Age. The Benin Empire also interacted with European traders and resisted British conquest during the late 1800s.

The Edo people still predominantly inhabit the Edo State region, centered around Benin City, and continue to play a significant role in Nigeria’s economic development. Their cultural traditions, including a traditional monarchy, festivals, and craftsmanship, retain profound significance.

6. Ibibio

The Ibibio people reside in Akwa Ibom and Cross River states along Nigeria’s southeastern coast, recognized as some of the earliest settlers in the tropical rainforests of the region. Carbon dating has traced Ibibio civilization in southeastern Nigeria as far back as 6000 BC during the Neolithic Sub-Saharan era.

The Ibibio largely lived in decentralized, self-governing clans prior to European colonization. Secret societies and cults played a crucial role in preserving folklore, coming-of-age rituals, and belief systems. The arrival of missionaries and British traders significantly impacted Ibibio communal life in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Today, the Ibibio language and culture continue to thrive, with nearly 5 million people belonging to the Ibibio ethnic group. They uphold indigenous traditions through folk music, dances, cuisine, proverbs, and mythology, incorporating contemporary themes into modern Ibibio art and literature.

7. Nupe

The Nupe people reside in north-central Nigeria, near the Niger River, and claim their descent from the earliest ruling dynasty of the Songhai Empire, rooted in Gao. As the Songhai Empire’s influence waned towards the end of the 16th century, Nupe royalty and scholars migrated south, ultimately settling in Bida, present-day Niger State.

The Nupe came to dominate a confederacy of diverse ethnic groups, including the Gwari, Kamuku, Kambari, Duk

awa, and Koro, in the contemporary Middle Belt region. Renowned Nupe rulers like Etsu Jimada established the Bida Emirate and successfully repelled early efforts by the Sokoto Caliphate to subjugate Nupe lands.

With a history spanning over a millennium, Nupe culture exerts a significant influence in northern and central Nigeria. The Nupe are recognized for their complex kinship system, musical rhythms, beadwork, tribal marks, and more. Traditional occupations such as fishing, agriculture, and metalworking coexist with the practice of Islam and Christianity.

8. Jukun

The Jukun kingdom is one of the oldest in northern Nigeria, dating back nearly 2,000 years. According to legend, the founder of the Jukun was the son of a Yoruba ruler dispatched to establish a kingdom in the north. Settling near the Benue River, the Jukun founded the kingdom of Kororofa, with its capital in Kwararafa.

By the 14th century, Jukun influence extended across various groups in central Nigeria. Powerful leaders like Queen Amina of Zazzau forged alliances and trade partnerships with Jukun rulers. Jukun traditions, including Nok terracotta, metal tools, horses, and weapons, spread widely across the region.

While the Jukun kingdom later fragmented and declined after 1700, the Jukun people persist in southern Borno, Benue, Taraba, and Adamawa states. Today, they practice subsistence farming, crafts, and maintain their historical myths and deities, including Unejere and Ogun.

9. Ijaw

The Ijaw people have resided in the oil-rich Niger Delta region for centuries, making them one of Nigeria’s largest ethnic groups, with over 10 million members. Oral traditions suggest that the origins of the Ijaw date to the 4th to 6th centuries BC.

The Ijaw consisted of clans organized under village councils, without centralized authority. Their economy revolved around fishing and palm oil commerce. With the arrival of British traders and missionaries in the 1800s, the Ijaw were integrated into the colonial-era export economy.

Prominent Ijaw activists like Major Isaac Adaka Boro led independence movements to resist external dominance and advocate for environmental justice in the Delta. Ijaw youth continue to champion self-determination and control over their native lands, rich in crude oil and natural gas.

10. Efik

Concentrated in the Cross River region, the Efik people represent another major southern Nigerian ethnicity with deep historical roots. Believed to have migrated from Arochukwu to settlements like Creek Town and Calabar by the 16th century, the Efik people have a rich cultural history.

Powerful Efik secret societies like Ekpe, Ekong, and Obon regulated social order and justice among predominantly autonomous villages. Rulers controlled external trade contacts with Europeans who arrived in the 1800s. The Efik community also developed its own Nigerian scripts and inscription designs.

The Efik language and traditions endure today, coexisting with Christianity, which spread through missionary activities during the colonial era.


Nigeria boasts a diverse landscape, home to some of the oldest civilizations on the African continent. The Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Kanuri, Nupe in the north, and the Edo, Ijaw, Ibibio, Efik in the south, represent iconic ethnicities with centuries and millennia of lineage in the region. Their cultures, kingdoms, and achievements played vital roles in shaping early Nigerian society.

While colonial pressures challenged these groups, they resiliently preserved their ancestral customs. In the modern era, Nigeria’s 250-500 ethnic nationalities weave a rich, heterogeneous society. Understanding their origins and histories is key to appreciating the diverse tapestry of Nigeria as it stands today. While differences sometimes divide, shared pride in their ancient roots can serve as a unifying force for all Nigerians.

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