Kunle Afolayan: Why I Stop Working for Money

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Many of us tirelessly labor each day to bolster our finances, establish our names, build our brands, and strive to achieve our lofty goals. However, for Nollywood filmmaker Kunle Afolayan, these pursuits no longer hold his interest.

In a recent interview with The Nation, when questioned about his aspirations and the legacy he desires, Kunle Afolayan revealed a profound shift in his mindset. He expressed that he has abandoned the pursuit of further ambitions and is no longer motivated by financial gain. Here are his exact words:

When asked about his aspirations and what he wants to be remembered for, Kunle Afolayan stated:

KUNLE AFOLAYAN: I am just myself—a person who cherishes life, desires to leave a lasting legacy, and relishes the simple joys of life. In essence, that’s who I am. When I mention leaving a mark, I mean being remembered for something I have already accomplished. For the remaining years I have on this planet, my aim is to continue living authentically as myself.

I have already achieved what I wish to be remembered for. I harbor no further ambitions. All I seek to do is maintain my reputation. Based on the works I have created and the impact I have had, I am convinced that my contributions will endure as long as this world exists. What more could one desire?

I am no longer driven by financial gain. I often tell people that there were periods when it was a relentless struggle, but now, it’s more about fulfilling my purpose. I still rise early, seldom sleep much, and immerse myself in projects. When I say I lack further ambition, it doesn’t mean I have ceased working; it simply implies I am not setting specific goals. I oversee a school where I nurture talent and cultivate the next generation of filmmakers. I am a parent, responsible for guiding my children in the best possible manner. I manage an organization that provides sustenance to many, and it will continue to expand. There are also numerous individuals out there who may not have personal contact with me but hold me in high regard. I will always strive to undertake endeavors that keep my name on people’s lips and my reputation firmly entrenched in their minds.

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