Ayra Starr and Broda Shaggi Confess What They Did First After Becoming Millionaires

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Hitting that coveted “one million” mark is a dream for many. When you reach your first million, you can proudly call yourself a ‘millionaire,’ and for countless people, this is the ultimate life goal. But what exactly goes down when you finally achieve that financial milestone? Well, numerous successful individuals have shared their stories, shedding light not only on how they spent their first million but also on how they earned it.

Today, we have two young Nigerian celebrities, comedian and actor Broda Shaggi, and singer Ayra Starr, ready to unveil what they did when they crossed that seven-digit threshold and officially became millionaires. Let’s dive into their revelations.

Broda Shaggi

Broda Shaggi, in an interview with TVC, was asked about his reaction when he made his first million. He responded with enthusiasm, saying, “Ah! I switched off my phone. 3 days. 3 days, I switched off my phone.” This was a unique experience for him, and the sudden windfall of money brought immense joy.

He expressed the significance of this event, feeling like it marked the beginning of a new phase in his life. Broda Shaggi admitted he had never seen a million in his account before, which made this achievement all the more special. It’s funny because, prior to this, he was excited about 50k!

Broda Shaggi also disclosed that comedy, as a career, is far more rewarding for him compared to music. If he were to choose one to give up, it would unquestionably be music because it doesn’t come close to matching the financial rewards of comedy.

In the same interview, the topic of marriage came up, and Broda Shaggi had this to say: “For me, marriage is a significant commitment that requires mutual understanding from both partners.

At the moment, I’m not considering marriage because I have numerous personal goals to accomplish before taking that step.” He emphasized that when he decides to get married, it means he’s prepared to settle down and be fully dedicated to his family. He envisions focusing his attention on his wife and children because, in his view, one or possibly two kids are enough.

When marriage does happen, it’s going to be a wholehearted commitment to his family, with shared responsibilities in raising their children.

So there you have it, a glimpse into the thoughts and experiences of these two rising stars on the journey to their first million and beyond. It’s a reminder that personal goals and priorities can shape how we react to newfound wealth and the path we choose in life.

Ayra Starr

In a social media game of ‘Firsts,’ Ayra Starr was asked about the first expensive item she purchased with her own money, considering her millionaire status. Ayra’s response was as follows:

“I’m not much of a spender, honestly. Let me think. I’m actually planning to buy a car very soon, God willing, and I believe that will be the first pricey thing I invest in with my earnings. I haven’t really splurged on anything else because I’m not inclined to spend a lot. I think one reason for my reluctance to spend is my past experiences with financial struggles. I’ve been through prolonged periods of financial hardship, so now that I have money, I’m somewhat apprehensive about losing it. Each time I consider buying something, I think, ‘Hold on, that’s going to take a big chunk out of my account.’ However, the car purchase is on the horizon, so that will definitely be my initial big expenditure.”

So, what are your plans for your first million, or if you’ve already hit that milestone, how did you handle it and what was your initial purchase? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

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