Adesua Etomi Reveals How Miscarriage Affected Her Skin in Unexpected Ways

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Nigerian actresses and close friends, Adesua Etomi-Wellington and Jemima Osunde, have embarked on a new venture together, Sanaa Beauty, a beauty, cosmetic, and personal care brand.

When individuals primarily known for acting venture into a different industry, it’s natural for people to wonder if it’s just a money-making scheme.

However, during the launch of Sanaa Beauty, Adesua Etomi explained that their decision goes far deeper and is intimately tied to her personal journey, especially after experiencing a miscarriage.

At the Sanaa Beauty event, Adesua addressed the speculation that their business might be solely motivated by profit.

She stressed that their brand launch isn’t about following trends but aligning with their core values, which revolve around achieving radiant and beautiful skin for Africans.

She highlighted that “Sanaa” translates to ‘a work of art’ and signifies ‘radiant’ and ‘beautiful’ in Swahili.

Adesua’s personal connection to this venture became evident as she shared her own challenging experience with her skin, particularly following her miscarriage.

She empathized with African women who often deal with issues like hyperpigmentation and acne scarring, which she also faced due to hormonal fluctuations. Adesua expressed her heartfelt commitment to this cause:

ADESUA ETOMI-WELLINGTON: “I believe in doing things because they hold deeper meaning. We are not in it just to make money; we want to create something really special. I really care about the skin of African women because I’ve had a tough time myself. We know Africans face hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, and so much more, and I was really particular about this because after my miscarriage, my skin unexpectedly went through a tough phase. There were spots everywhere because my hormones were all over the place.”

Jemima Osunde, co-founder, echoed Adesua’s sentiments by emphasizing that their products aim to enhance skin health without altering skin tone. Their core message centers on self-love and embracing oneself through all seasons. Their products are designed for both men and women to promote healthy, glowing skin.

The decision by Adesua and Jemima to enter the beauty industry carries a deep sense of purpose, rooted in their personal experiences and a commitment to helping people achieve beautiful, healthy skin without compromising their natural beauty.

What are your thoughts on Adesua’s journey and her joint venture with Jemima? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

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