Spending your money without your husband’s knowledge is the same as cheating” – Nigerian man

Wiki Guide
2 Min Read

“Expending one’s own finances without informing a spouse is tantamount to betrayal,” stated Eke Ako, a Nigerian man whose recent remarks about financial matters in marriage have sparked debate online. He asserted that a woman secretly using her money parallels committing financial adultery, which is akin to engaging in an extramarital affair.

Ako expressed these thoughts on his Facebook page, criticizing spouses who independently use their finances without their husbands’ awareness or approval. Additionally, he emphasized that a woman’s financial assets ultimately belong to her husband and voiced his disapproval of Africans emulating Western couples’ financial management practices.

Ako’s post read:

Financial infidelity carries the same gravity as s&¥ual infidelity. Your finances are also shared with your husband. When you spend money outside the realm of your family (your husband, children, and yourself) without his knowledge and consent, it’s equivalent to s*¥ual infidelity.

My dear sisters who emulate Western marriages often overlook this aspect. Igbo marriages, in my opinion, are superior. Resolving marital issues doesn’t equate to endurance; it requires resilience, tolerance, and compromise. You must be willing to make sacrifices at times and understand your role.

Furthermore, avoid the temptation to disrupt the natural order simply because you want to imitate something you may not fully comprehend.”

You can see his post below:

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